Friday 24 April 2015


This post is going to be about summer. And I'm sure when we
think of summer we all think of ice creams and beaches etc.. And summer is, its really great. In fact its my favourite time of the year. Everything seems to be happening, everyone seems to be more happy. There's the late nights, the parties, shopping with friends, and you can practically do that every day because you have SIX WEEKS OFF SCHOOL. *breathes sigh of relieve*

But lets face it, summer is stressful.

You want to get a tan but don't want to show your pale skin.
You to the beach and get sand in your sandwiches.
You go swimming and feel like people are judging you by how you look, as you stand there in your bikini.
You can't wear that top because it shows your bra.
That one time your hair is on point the 'summer breeze'  just knocks it out of place.
You go to get and ice lolly and your hair sticks to it and then your hair sticks to your face and then you get sticky hands trying to un stick it from your face and hands and you end up in a hot sticky mess. While trying to look totally calm.
Having to shave every other night so you look decent for that summer barbeque tomorrow.
You can't wear that top again you already wore it yesterday!

And I'm sure we can all relate to this!


Byeeeeeeee x
Also really sorry I haven't wrote anything in ages! ;/

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