Thursday 7 May 2015

Changing It Round


So I just wanted to let everyone know what I'm going to do. I've really enjoyed writing blogs and people then reading them, but I sort of want to write them anonymously so I can write about things a bit more honestly and no one know who I am. It will probably be the same sort of content as this one but more 'specific' if that makes sense. Just because there are things I would like to write about and talk about without people knowing that it's me. I'd also like to keep it as low key as possible so I will only be telling a few of my friends about this x


Friday 24 April 2015


This post is going to be about summer. And I'm sure when we
think of summer we all think of ice creams and beaches etc.. And summer is, its really great. In fact its my favourite time of the year. Everything seems to be happening, everyone seems to be more happy. There's the late nights, the parties, shopping with friends, and you can practically do that every day because you have SIX WEEKS OFF SCHOOL. *breathes sigh of relieve*

But lets face it, summer is stressful.

You want to get a tan but don't want to show your pale skin.
You to the beach and get sand in your sandwiches.
You go swimming and feel like people are judging you by how you look, as you stand there in your bikini.
You can't wear that top because it shows your bra.
That one time your hair is on point the 'summer breeze'  just knocks it out of place.
You go to get and ice lolly and your hair sticks to it and then your hair sticks to your face and then you get sticky hands trying to un stick it from your face and hands and you end up in a hot sticky mess. While trying to look totally calm.
Having to shave every other night so you look decent for that summer barbeque tomorrow.
You can't wear that top again you already wore it yesterday!

And I'm sure we can all relate to this!


Byeeeeeeee x
Also really sorry I haven't wrote anything in ages! ;/

Monday 23 March 2015



Okay, so I know I've been gone for like ages, but a lot of stuff has been happening recently and I haven't been able to post so sorry about that :/

But anyways today I wanted to talk about CLOTHES!

Personally, I love clothes, I feel like they're your own way to show off who you are. And most times this is true, but for me I just can't make up my mind, I don't really have a style. In winter I wear navy blues and just generally dark colours, but for the other half of the year I just want to wear pastels and floral things. So I'm unsure whether to just stock up on dark cosy clothes for winter or to spend all my money on things I'll wear most of the year but won't be able to wear during winter?!

Although, I feel as a teenager we get judged or feel we get judged by what we wear. So I find this makes it hard for me to wear what I want to wear ,because as I already said I wear dark clothes during winter so people assume I'm a person who lives in dark clothes(That's what I've got into my head anyway). And me being a person who doesn't like to shock people or stand out find it hard to be able to make that change back into lighter clothes when I feel people sort of expect me in dark clothes, does that make sense?

This is probably just me over thinking it, but I'd like to know if anyone else is the same and wear darker clothes in winter and lighter clothes for the rest of the year, or if you to feel like you can't wear lighter clothes because you feel that expectation from other people to wear something different?

Also I have now finished 'Girl Online' so I can now use her quotes more confidently! And I wanted to make this post because I'm about to order clothes for spring/summer and was looking at dark colours and then thought, no, that's not me, and realised that I should buy what I want to wear not what other people expect me to wear. Anyways, byeeeeeeeee x

Monday 2 March 2015

School :(

School is supposed to be a place where we enjoy ourselves and have fun. And in some cases it is. But I'm sure most of us think of school as a 'burden'. If you're one of those people who loves school, gets involved in all the lunchtime activities and is in no way self-conscious at all. Then, lucky you. But I'm sure that almost all of us will agree that the 'learning' part of school isn't the problem.

It's the feeling:-

-We have to look like we had 9hrs of sleep last night when in actual fact we had 3! And as a result have to pile the concealer on so no one sees our bags under our eyes!
- We have to wear make-up to look 'vaguely presentable'. (Just to let you know, who ever you are YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL with or without make-up and don't let anyone tell you otherwise)
 We have to 'edit' our  uniform so I doesn't look to shite. Although I'm rubbish at this and end up just putting on my comfy trousers and hoping they don't look to bad ;)
- We can't put our hand up in class, speak in front of the class or when the teacher's picking on people to read out their English piece (for example) out to the whole class hoping they don't pick you
- Pretending to like that that thing that everyone thinks is amazing  and you actually think it's pointless and a waste of time
- When the 'hard' kids walk  past. Hoping they'll just walk past and not say anything to you
- Not wanting to do P.E so no one sees your 'fat legs' your 'skinny arms' 
- That one clumsy thing you did back in yr4 and everyone remembers! You constantly hope that they won't bring it up again but they always manage to! (Let me know if you want me to do a post about all my 'Clumsy Moments')

And most/all this is down to feeling like you're being judged by the people around you, this is wrong but it's unfortunately not going to change, so I guess all I can say is, try to enjoy school as much as you can, try and get involved in clubs at lunch and try not to worry about what people think of you. I know I'm making this sound really easy and I know for a fact it's not, but still it's worth a try?

Have a great Easter half term guys!

Also let me know that I'm not the only one who feels like this!

Catherine x

Monday 16 February 2015


I've decided to start writing a blog.

This Blog.

Why, you might ask?

You know when you shake a coke can and then you open it and it explodes everywhere? Well, that's how I feel right now. I have so many things I want to say fizzing up inside of me, but I don't have the confidence to say them out loud.

If you haven't already noticed I started the blog post exactly the same way Zoe Sugg started her book 'Girl Online', only because I couldn't think of a better way to describe why I want to start a blog.

This sounds so cliché but I tried a diary but its not much use, I want to write something for me, but something, someone, somewhere can read and relate to! And starting a blog is the perfect way to say what I want, when I want  and have someone actually read it. Instead of having a diary and only you ever reading what's inside.

I guess it's also a nice hobby for me to have as well because if you haven't guessed by the title I'm very antisocial and also socially awkward. But then there's a lot to be awkward about isn't there? I mean let's be real here, we all envy those girls who look perfect in pe and have perfect make-up and hair 24/7?! And when your not confident about being 'you' in front of people and pretend to be someone your not things can be awkward. *Quote from 'Girl Online' coming up*
Top Ten reasons for Teenage Girls Getting Anxious/Awkward

1. You're supposed to look perfect all of the time
2. This coincides with your hormones deciding to go bonkers
3. Which leads to the spottiest time of your entire life (making number 1 totally impossible!)
4. Which also coincides with the first time you've had the freedom to buy chocolate whenever you like (making number 3 even worse!)
5. Suddenly everyone cares about what you wear
6. And what you wear has to look perfect too
7. Then you're supposed to know how to pose like a supermodel
8. So you can take a selfie in your outfit of the day
9. Which you then have to post on social media for all your friends to see
10. You're supposed to be wildly attracted to the opposite sex (while dealing with the above)
       *End of  'Girl Online' quote*

So when you're not confident doing the above, things are just AWKWARD. And I think that it would just be awesome if everyone realised they felt the same way and then stopped pretending to be something we're not. That would be awesome. But until then I'm going to keep this blog and talk about what it's REALLY like to be a teenage girl.

So I guess that is why I wanted to start a blog :).

Things I will write about

- The dramas of being a teenage girl
- Opinions
- Thoughts
- Updates on my life

I also love taking photos so I'll also post them to but no selfies or anything. So I guess that's it for now! Let me know if you thinks it's a good idea and should keep it going x

Byeeeeee x